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My objectives are to work with open minded people. To share my experience with them as they tend to share their with me. To work for the greater good and to have fun doing it. To develop web applications and softwares that are extremely fast and leverage the power of the mashable web.This should lead the web towards increased interoperability, real-time data and effective, meaningful communication.
Skilled in many aspects of Programming, I strive to offer a high level of service and quality work to my customers. I have about 10 years of experience; working with many clients from various industries worldwide. I provide services in: Programming, Custom CMS, HTML, PHP, CSS (SASS/LESS), XHTML, ASP, JS, JQuery/AngularJs, Ajax, Flash, C#, C++, MSSQL, MySQL, Batch. I also have some experience in fields Java, JSF, .
I also made phone apps for iOS and Android, so for iOS I used Cordova/PhoneGap frameworks and for Android phone app I used its native language Java.
Those technical skills are gained from experience and I have coverage programs for each skill.
I calculated experience with spending time doing it and sum of the code I made.
If I currently use that programming language on my freelance project that mean that my skill is 100 percent; Excellent.
Develop Facebook Apps, Google Maps, Yahoo Maps, WordPress template;wigets, Typo3 ext.
Developed my own CMS, Forum, JavaScript Forms. Besides other forums PHPBB, vBulletin
Having knowledge how
and widgets that can be leveraged across platforms.
Developed plug-in for Magento.
I am using Environment Applications:
NetBeans, Aptana, Spring, UML, BPMN, Maven, IDEA IntellJ
Visual Studio VC#, C++, VB (LINQ/WCF/WF/WPF),Silverlight tools
3D Studio Max, Google SketchUp
MySQL Administrator
Photoshop, Illustrator
After Effects
Adobe Premiere Pro
MS Server, Oracle
SVN Server, Linux Shell Scripting, Putty, Duply, WinSCP, BackUpDiff, GitHub
Mac Development XING, Xamarin C#
Responsive Website
MySQL Apps: MySql Data Compare, Workbench, HeidiSQL, phpmyAdmin
Operating Systems:
Windows, Linux, MAC
I am innovative, creative, flexible, and self-motivated, with the ability to design and write reliable, high-performance, maintainable code. Solid communication skills and the ability to work well in a team.
Kidgonet Development
SKS365 Development
Web Crossing Development
Custom Development
Custom Development
Social Network Shirix
Medical Services Provider
Broker Service Provider
Coordinates with users and / or business analysts to understand requirements.
Involved with Server-side component design.
English - Fluent. As a foreign student working and volunteering in the USA, Danijel inevitably gained experience in cultural
Danijel Bumbar is GreenHeart Member, non-profit world organization, Center for Cultural Interchange.
Volunter at City Hall Laurel, Maryland, United States.
All experience gained from work with other customers and cooperation of other developers. Thanks all of them.